Vigyaan Jigyasa

  1. 5. __________kind of signals was used in 1G mobile phones (8)
  2. 8. The issue of limited frequency spectrum available for cellular communication is solved by the help of two technologies. One is Multiple access technique and other is _________ (25)
  3. 9. Which generation of mobile phones transformed the basic mobiles into smartphones.(2)
  4. 10. 2 G generation used digital multiple access technologies namely TDMA or CDMA. What does C stand for in CDMA? (4)
  5. 12. With the help of this, the microphone converts your speech into a digital signal.(10)
  6. 13. Wireless transmission was in an analogue format. Analogue signals are easily altered by external sources, which results in poor voice quality and poor security. Which generation of mobile phones suffered this problem (2)
  7. 14. ______is positioned at the foot of the tower for signal processing before it is sent to the destination tower. (18)
  8. 15. The tower picks up the EM waves emitted by the phone and converts them to____ (24)
  1. 1. ______ is the node at the centre of a cluster of cell towers.(21)
  2. 2. the technique used in 1G phones (31)
  3. 3. A digital signal carries the data in which form of ?(6)
  4. 4. Citizen band radio communication use ______ type of modulation (9)
  5. 6. O in ODMA stands for _____(10)
  6. 7. Which part of the mobile phone transmits zeroes and ones in the form of electromagnetic waves.(7)
  7. 11. In cellular technology, a geographical area is divided into ________ (14)