Virginia Indians

  1. 2. Tribe that lived in Southwestern Virginia
  2. 4. A ceremony where dancing took place
  3. 8. Tribe that lived in Piedmont Region
  4. 9. Began drying fruits and vegetable for Winter
  5. 11. Language spoke by Monacan Indians
  6. 12. Scientist who study people who lived long ago
  7. 14. Planted crops, fished, picked berries
  1. 1. Where Powhattan Indians met for Pow Wows
  2. 3. Language spoken by Cherokee
  3. 5. Ate dried fruits and vegetables hunted deer, birds
  4. 6. Where the Monacan Indians lived
  5. 7. Objects found from people who lived long ago
  6. 10. Language spoken by Powhattan Tribe
  7. 13. Thought he was in Indies and called people Indians