  1. 1. One of storage classes in which local variable exits and retains its value even after its control is transferred to calling function.
  2. 3. Which statement do we use compulsorily in Switch case.
  3. 5. The problem that occurs when the value of the variable is either too big or too small for the data type to hold.
  4. 7. The commonly used scan format code %c reads ________.
  5. 9. Printf is obtained from which library:
  1. 2. The keywords and library names cannot be used for __________.
  2. 4. What approach is used for C programming?
  3. 6. In which memory unit is the code that we write is stored?
  4. 7. In a flowchart the connector is represented by a __________.
  5. 8. How many types of programming languages are there?