vi's gay lesbian pride crossword

  1. 2. who's finally free?
  2. 5. what card and idol do i hoard?
  3. 8. who's my favourite western artist?
  4. 10. who's my ult group?
  5. 14. which booster did i start hoarding?
  6. 15. who hoards liz?
  1. 1. levi's husband (got bullied to include him)
  2. 3. who's my ive bias?
  3. 4. which idol's pcs do i collect irl?
  4. 6. who do i love?!
  5. 7. what month did i come out?
  6. 9. who's my 2nd ult group?
  7. 10. what do i always complain about missing?
  8. 11. what pet do i have?
  9. 12. dweakkii
  10. 13. which kpop idol did i collect first irl?