Voca Practice Review

  1. 3. 48 hours later, my body was _____ all over.
  2. 5. I can play games and chat _______ with my friends.
  3. 8. We enjoy playing ____________ games the most.
  4. 9. But playing video games can also have bad _________ too.
  5. 10. I saw a ____________ on TB about a videog game marathon!
  6. 13. As I _______ _____ ___ leave the room, the game announcer surprised me with the first place prize!
  7. 14. She came second in the _____________.
  8. 16. I felt really tired and I could feel my heart _______.
  9. 17. The think games might teach bad manners and _____ time.
  10. 18. I don't like his rough manner.
  1. 1. I don't really like __________ games because I need to think alot.
  2. 2. Video games can be good for your ___________.
  3. 4. It was a ___________ for a free pizza!
  4. 6. These games may show and teach children how to ________________.
  5. 7. The _________ is very big.
  6. 10. Hand me the game ___________.
  7. 11. I need a _________ ______ for my nintendo.
  8. 12. Fifteen contestants will play for 48 hours non-stop
  9. 15. Planning ________ and fast thinking are also important.