Vocab 1-17

  1. 2. elected these people to enforce laws
  2. 4. place used to debate and gather around
  3. 6. satrapies were ruled by
  4. 9. Hoplites made this formation to protect themselves from enemys
  5. 11. Athen's government was this
  6. 12. the common people supported them when they overthrew their nobles
  1. 1. comes from greek word "capture"
  2. 3. Sparta's government was this
  3. 5. Zoroaster preached a new religion called
  4. 6. Darius divided the empire into this
  5. 7. police and politics come from this greek word
  6. 8. Anatolia is an example of this body of land
  7. 10. based on war and soldiers