
  1. 5. The rate at which a person improves personal fitness following physical activity or exercise conditioning.
  2. 7. A warm up that raises the body temperature using outside heat sources such as blankets and hot baths.
  3. 10. occurring over an extended time.
  4. 12. occurring over a short time.
  5. 14. Being too active or exercising too much. Leads to overuse especially after an injury.
  6. 15. Engaging in regular physical activity or exercise that results in an improved state of physical fitness.
  7. 16. a period after exercise in which you try to prevent blood pooling by moving about slowly and continuously for about three to five minutes.
  8. 17. In a personal fitness prescription, the length of time you work.
  9. 18. The rate at which you change the frequency, intensity, and duration of your personal fitness prescription.
  10. 19. A variety of low intensity activities that are designed to prepare your body for moderate to vigorous activities.
  11. 20. In a personal fitness prescription, how often you work.
  1. 1. The leveling off of physical fitness improvement in a personal fitness program.
  2. 2. To vary activities and exercises from day to day to prevent detaining, especially after an injury.
  3. 3. The number of times your heart beats per minute.
  4. 4. stetches that are done slowly, smoothly, and in a sustained fashion.
  5. 6. The low of health and fitness benefits when a personal fitness program is stopped.
  6. 8. The principle that says improvements in your personal fitness will occur in the particular muscles that you overload during physical activity or exercise.
  7. 9. In a personal fitness prescription, how hard you work.
  8. 11. A condition, following exercise, in which blood collects in the large veins of the legs and lower body.
  9. 13. A warm up that attempts to raise the body temperature by actively involving the muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems.