  1. 3. the crust that is below the ocean
  2. 4. an example of transform boundaries
  3. 5. underwater mountain range
  4. 7. the part of land we stand on
  5. 10. remains and evidence of a plant or animal
  6. 12. they are in the mantle and hot rises cold sinks
  7. 13. when tectonic plates are colliding
  8. 14. The process of new ocean floor being created from rising magma
  9. 16. how volcanoes form and how there made
  10. 18. When all the continents were together
  1. 1. when continental crust meets oceanic crust
  2. 2. where the plate tectonics slide past each other
  3. 5. hot lava that turns into solid rock forming a volcano
  4. 6. the person who came up with the plate boundaries theory
  5. 8. when the continents were together and then they drifted apart
  6. 9. this is divided into separate plates
  7. 11. when the whole world shakes
  8. 15. when plates are separating
  9. 17. there are 3 different types of these