Vocab 1, 2 & 3

  1. 2. The first step to submitting an assignment.
  2. 4. A list of choices or options on a web page.
  3. 7. Displays the program currently being used.
  4. 9. used to move the window up,down,left,& right.
  5. 13. Programs downloaded to you phone.
  6. 14. Where things are organized on a computer.
  7. 16. a small image that represents something.
  8. 17. Mozilla Firefox
  9. 18. sending a message to the computer, through the keyboard.
  10. 19. Looks like 2 pieces of chain.
  11. 20. A shortcut that is nested under the address bar.
  1. 1. Computer Storage
  2. 3. Your finger on a computer screen.
  3. 5. Where the keys live.
  4. 6. A modem, Mouse, and monitor.
  5. 8. Information processed by a computer.
  6. 10. Web Address
  7. 11. Moves your cursor across the screen.
  8. 12. Displays everything for a desktop computer.
  9. 15. A location for tools in google docs.