Vocab 2 crossword!

  1. 2. I know my friends too well!
  2. 4. To be disrespectful
  3. 6. Let go
  4. 9. The snake shed its skin
  5. 11. The rain has drenched my clothes
  6. 12. My annotations are looking great!
  7. 13. Famished and suffering
  8. 14. "Take this as a peace offering!"
  9. 15. Argghhh I'm so mad (throws fit physically)
  1. 1. Plotting, scheming...
  2. 3. I was so nervous my hair stood up on my neck
  3. 5. Foreshadowing something spooky
  4. 7. A synonym for nervous
  5. 8. I was feeling feisty when I was debating
  6. 10. Pass in front