
  1. 3. a problem within a character
  2. 6. a problem a character has with
  3. 10. a fight/argument between 2 people
  4. 12. the 3 levels of questions
  5. 13. The conflicts and challenges encountered by the characters. How they respond keeps the story moving forward.
  6. 14. The way in which a story is organized
  1. 1. A question that has an answer that uses both details in the text and your own brain to make an educated guess.
  2. 2. The question has an answer that can be found directly in the text
  3. 4. The events that occur after the main character made the key decision in the story.
  4. 5. a problem a character has with natural causes like animals, weather, natural disasters, etc.
  5. 7. The beginning of the story. Background information is presented, main characters are introduced and the conflict is established
  6. 8. The resolution is where all the questions are answered. Loose ends are tied, providing a clear ending.
  7. 9. an internal or external struggle or problem
  8. 11. The turning point in the conflict. Tension builds until the main character must make a decision or take action that determines the direction of the story.