Vocab #9

  1. 3. The Germanic tribe that settled in Wales and England (5th cen. CE)
  2. 4. The people of the Mongol em., founded by Ghengis Khan (united Nomad tribes)
  3. 5. It is the first written principle establishing that a king and/or gov. still have to follow the law
  4. 7. A way of life that focuses more on humans and their well-being and thriving more than the needs of a god.
  5. 11. The act of loaning money to someone with an extremely high interest rate
  6. 12. A war between England + France over who would rule France (1337-1453)
  7. 15. The system of social hierarchy in the 10-13th cen. where (vassals) were given land + protection by lords to work for them in return.
  8. 17. A period of flourishing+human advancement that came after the Middle Ages
  9. 19. The name of the land that was given by a king to a lord, usually ended up being the home of the lord
  10. 21. The period between when Rome fell and when the Renaissance began (500 AD-1500)
  11. 22. A plague that occurred from 1347-1352, worst devastation caused by disease, estimated ⅓ of Europe died
  12. 23. An ideal place w/ a perfect society, gov., etc.
  1. 1. A Germanic tribe that took over and settled in the Western Roman em.
  2. 2. The law established in the (beginning) Middle Ages in England, court court/case law
  3. 6. Religious conquest(s) of the Christians to take Jerusalem from Muslim control (1095-1270)
  4. 8. A forced worker on an area of land (owned by a lord)
  5. 9. Tribes that invaded + took over the Roman em. and settled in Nothern, Central, and Eastern Europe
  6. 10. A person responsible/titled as a protector, caregiver, etc.
  7. 13. The code of honor that was followed by knights in the 11th-12th cen., showed bravery, loyalty
  8. 14. People who tended to and worked the land of lords/landowners
  9. 15. The name of the land of a Vassal that was given by the lord they worked under
  10. 16. A person who doesn’t follow or is neutral in the case of religion
  11. 18. The natives of Hungary, lived in the kingdom of Hungary
  12. 20. A Judicial inquisition that attempted to stop hearsay in Spain but was unsuccessful (1478-1834)