Vocab Assessment Crossword #1

  1. 4. Strict/ sever in manner
  2. 6. To provide evidence to support or prove the truth of/confirm
  3. 11. precise/ paying close attention to detail
  4. 12. A vocabulary hard to understand by outsiders
  5. 14. disturbing to one's self composure
  6. 15. untidy/messy appearance
  7. 16. extremely important/vital
  8. 17. to caution/advise/scold against something
  9. 18. Determined/ strong-willed
  10. 19. an uncivilized person
  1. 1. to officially approve
  2. 2. characterized by the use of too many words
  3. 3. To revoke/take back
  4. 5. suspicious/doubtful
  5. 7. Convenient/suitable for a purpose
  6. 8. the act of departing from the usual course of something
  7. 9. Unsophisticated/narrow-minded
  8. 10. taken/done by stealth or secretively
  9. 13. hatred/hostility among people