Vocab List #2- Francesca Thompson- Mazzeo

  1. 3. the " " of people filled the auditorium
  2. 7. Her argument was " " she had dejected herself from the group discussion.
  3. 8. a judge has great " " to be able to look at a criminal and determine his punishment.
  4. 9. tone the judge keeps an " " throughout the case as to show his open mindedness.
  5. 10. donating money to the school allows " " for clubs and other extra curricular's.
  6. 12. the melted metal was " "
  7. 15. praying to the lord at the time was a " " act as it made you look good
  8. 17. the walls of the bathtub " " me as I sat down.
  9. 18. the police officer " " he has camera footage of the criminal in the bank.
  10. 20. maleficent was evil but later turned " " and gentle.
  1. 1. the time students eat lunch can " " how well they focus in school.
  2. 2. the " " of the criminals trial allowed the evidence to be more thoroughly examined.
  3. 4. his writings expressed the " " of his ideas and feelings.
  4. 5. reasoning The police officer gives " " for the criminal to take a DNA test.
  5. 6. albert demonstrates the skill of " " because of all the things he invented on his own
  6. 11. but the criminal comes back with a " " stating he has a twin brother.
  7. 13. the teacher would " " directions before giving the students the assignment
  8. 14. the criminal " " he was not there at the time of the murder.
  9. 16. the beautiful, " " flower bloomed last night.
  10. 19. anger from inside out the movie is a perfect example of " "