Vocab Words from Omnivores Dilemma

  1. 4. something that eats both plants and animals
  2. 5. dessert a place where there is a lack of healthy foods available to purchase
  3. 8. a disease where someone's body cannot process sugar
  4. 9. the practice of making things in factories
  5. 10. something that is used to provide nutrients to soil as it decomposes organic matter
  6. 12. away from the big cities
  7. 14. a type of vegetable that is used in everything we eat
  1. 1. when two or more things are crossed together
  2. 2. to grow, change, or transform
  3. 3. a chemical used to kill pests that damage or eat crops
  4. 5. a chemical used to help plants grow faster
  5. 6. a complex disease involving a high amount of body fat
  6. 7. the study and practice of farming
  7. 11. grown without the use of harmful chemicals
  8. 13. close to the big cities