Vocab Words New and Old

  1. 4. the division of power among the branches of government
  2. 6. a court proceeding
  3. 7. the branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishment
  4. 9. written statement of facts made by witness before a trial
  5. 10. Judge or Jury
  6. 11. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year
  7. 13. proceedings that are open to the public
  8. 17. a court in which appeals from trial court decisions are heard
  9. 18. a proposed law being considered by a legislature
  10. 19. process of sharing information and evidence before trial
  11. 22. the person against whom a claim is made in a court room
  12. 23. the level of proof required to convict a person of a crime
  1. 1. the power of each of the three branches of government to limit the other branches' power
  2. 2. the division of powers between the states and the federal government
  3. 3. the standard of proof used in a civil suit
  4. 5. an initial speech made by each side in a trial, summarizing the main points of the case they will make for the jury.
  5. 8. the state or federal government's attorney in a criminal case
  6. 12. in a civil case, the injured party who bring the legal action against the alleged wrongdoer
  7. 14. the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which guarantee basic individual rights to all persons in the United States
  8. 15. a county or city law
  9. 16. written laws enacted by legislatures
  10. 20. all law that does not involve criminal matters, such as tort and contract law
  11. 21. the legal process in which one country or state asks another to surrender a suspected or convicted criminal