
  1. 1. brew this every morning
  2. 3. tell time, rolex
  3. 5. stops rain from falling on you
  4. 9. wear them on your feet
  5. 10. school kids take these to school and back
  6. 11. ball up, shoot hoops
  7. 13. iconic American sport
  8. 14. wear it on your head
  9. 15. American pants from the gold rush
  10. 16. European currency
  11. 18. served at parties
  1. 1. pay this after eating
  2. 2. bad looking
  3. 4. keeps your legs warm and covered
  4. 6. red and juicy, grows on vines.
  5. 7. what most love to do in the summer while its hot out
  6. 8. wear this at a sports game
  7. 10. henry ford made these
  8. 12. buy things here
  9. 17. list of food to order