- 3. value The distance a number is from zero on a number line.
- 8. When the numerator and denominator have no common factor other than 1 lowest terms when a fraction is expressed with the fewest pieces.
- 9. The number written below the line of a fraction that tells the number of equal parts in which the whole has been divided.
- 11. the product of any number and zero is always zero.
- 12. reciprocals pairs of numbers whose product is 1.
- 15. A fraction that is more than or equal to one whole
- 16. Positive and negative numbers including zero with no fraction parts.
- 17. One of a pair of numbers whose product is 1
- 20. A number with one or more numbers grater than zero to the right of a decimal point.
- 1. A combination of whole numbers and fractions.
- 2. The same numeral but with a different sign.The same numeral on opposite sides of zero on a number line.
- 4. A shared multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.
- 5. a real number that is greater than zero on a number line
- 6. The distance a number is from zero on a number line.
- 7. A real number that is less than zero found to the left of the zero on a number line.
- 10. A fraction that is less than 1 whole the numerator is less than the denominator.
- 13. number A real number that is grater than zero found to the right of the zero on a number line
- 14. Any number that can be written as a fraction.
- 18. The number written below the line of fraction that tells
- 19. The number written above the line in a fraction that shows how many equal parts of a whole or group are being considered.