
  1. 6. purpose Reason the author writes: persuade, inform, entertain (PIE)
  2. 7. The actual or literal meaning of a word dictionary meaning of a word.
  3. 8. compares two unlike things and is usually introduced by the words "like" or "as"
  4. 12. and effect A relationship between two or more events in which one event brings about another. The event that happens first is the _________; the one that follows is the ___________.
  5. 13. Use your prior knowledge on the subject and information gained in your reading to draw a conclusion.
  6. 14. Speaking of something that is not human as if it had human abilities and human reactions
  7. 16. Sound words: Ex: sizzling, BAM!, boom
  8. 19. Groups of words whose meaning is different from the ordinary meaning of the words. Ex. "Put a lid on it." "Couch Potato"
  9. 21. a short and interesting story about a real incident or person.
  10. 22. an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. It is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject.
  11. 23. a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. It aims at explaining that idea or thing by comparing it to something that is familiar.
  12. 25. idea What the passage or text is mainly about
  1. 1. Tell in your own words what a passage is about including only the central idea and most important supporting details.
  2. 2. Repetition of a single consonant letter in the alphabet (Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore)
  3. 3. A part of the story that is important
  4. 4. The meaning that a word suggests or implies. Words that carry cultural or emotional associations or meanings.
  5. 5. detail supports the central idea in an important way. Authors elaborate using examples or anecdotes.
  6. 9. language Words that may not literally mean what they say
  7. 10. structure The way a text is presented: introduction, headings and/or subheads, sentences that form paragraphs, and chapters.Develops ideas for the text.
  8. 11. Great exaggeration used to emphasize a point
  9. 15. details Details that help to explain the central idea/topic sentence
  10. 17. of text Detailed examination of text to decide what it means: word choice, character development, and plot.
  11. 18. How the text makes the reader feel
  12. 20. a comparison of two different things to show a likeness between them without using the words "like" or "as"
  13. 24. the message the author wants to give the reader. (life lesson)