
  1. 1. Guard / group of Mao Zedong followers
  2. 4. Minh / amry created by Ho Chi Minh to fight the french
  3. 5. disobedience / gandhi’s system to protest british rule
  4. 6. / refusing to buy products from country of company
  5. 8. Revolution / revolution influence by Mao Zedong
  6. 9. Chi Minh / leader of vietnamese nationalists movement
  7. 11. / break up
  8. 12. / communist supporters in south vietnam
  9. 14. / includes vietnam,cambodia,& laos ruled by france
  10. 15. Constitution / japans new construction that set up two house parliament
  11. 17. / the making of amends for a wrong one has done,by paying money
  12. 19. War / global competition between the US and soviet union
  1. 2. Therory / the idea that countries around newly communist nation would start turning communist
  2. 3. of amritsar / masscared of indians who protested
  3. 5. / A group of people living together and sharing responsibilities
  4. 7. Square / place,1989 where chinese students took a stand
  5. 8. / The US policy to contain communism from spreading
  6. 10. / communist leader of china
  7. 13. / a political idea leading to society in which all property is publicly owned
  8. 16. Leap Forward / economic plan in 1958 to organize all farms
  9. 18. Nation Congress / first group that worked for indians