
  1. 5. Unintentional; characterized by a lack of attention, careless
  2. 6. Measure the depth of (usually of water) as with a sounding line; penetrate and discover the meaning of, understand (usually as sound the depths); Fathom and Plumb (used as verbs) are synonyms
  3. 11. Biased, prejudiced, favoring one over others; having a special liking for something or someone (usually partial to)
  4. 14. Be the leader of
  5. 16. Containing a fallacy, or mistake in logic; logically unsound;
  6. 17. Not translucent; not allowing light, heat, etc. to pass through; dark, dull, unclear, or stupid
  7. 22. Of the same kind; uniform throughout
  8. 23. Existing only in the mind or by means of a computer network; existing in results or in essence but not officially or in name
  9. 24. or give
  10. 25. focused./ As a midwife, my goal is simply to facilitate a natural process.
  11. 28. Practical; dealing with actual facts and reality
  12. 29. Make less severe; lessen or moderate (damage, griet, pain, etc.). Exacerbate and aggravate are antonyms
  13. 31. Fixed, not moving or changing, lacking vitality
  14. 33. Existing in the mind or relating to one's own thoughts, opinions, emotions, etc.; personal, individual, based on feelings
  15. 35. Disconnected, not coherent, jerky
  16. 36. Not generous with money, reluctant to
  17. 38. Model or pattern; worldview, set of shared assumptions, values, etc.
  18. 39. Deviation from what is common; inconsistency
  19. 40. Keep a record of, write down; travel for or at a certain distance or speed (verb); a written record (noun)
  20. 42. Inspire, animate; give substance, essence, or context to; be the characteristic quality of
  21. 43. The quality of being firmly determined; resolving to do something; a formal judgment, esp. decided by a vote
  1. 1. Derived from something else; not original
  2. 2. disciplined and stern; frugal, living simply, austere; suggestive of the ancient Spartans
  3. 3. Speak or argue in favor of (verb); a person who pleads for a cause or on behalf of another person (noun)
  4. 4. Place in context, such as by giving the background
  5. 7. Ill fame; the state of being well-known for a disgraceful reason
  6. 8. A good meeting facilitator lets everyone be heard while still keeping the
  7. 9. Gullible; prone to believing or trusting too easily or without enough evidence
  8. 10. Contemplate; make a guess or educated guess about; engage in a risky business transaction, gamble; to try to "see" into the future
  9. 12. The practice of pursuing political or other goals through vigorous action, often including protests and demonstrations
  10. 13. Distinct, strong, clearly indicated
  11. 15. Make easier, help the progress of
  12. 18. Fake, counterfeit; insincere, not genuine
  13. 19. Weaken, cause to collapse by digging away at the foundation (of a building or an argument); injure or attack in a secretive or underhanded way
  14. 20. Existing everywhere at the same time
  15. 21. Relating to country life, unsophisticated; primitive; made of rough wood (adj); a rural or uncultured person (noun); Bumpkin and yokel are also words for an awkward, uncultured, simple person, generally from the country.
  16. 26. Be the leader of
  17. 27. Disturbing, causing anxiety
  18. 30. Well-timed, happening at a suitable time
  19. 32. Believability, trustworthiness
  20. 34. Emphasize (or, literally, to underline text); antonym undermine
  21. 37. A progression, a process taking place gradually, in stages; one of these stages
  22. 38. Efforts to improve the well-being of humankind, generally through giving money
  23. 41. Causing sleep; sleepy, drowsy (adj); something that causes sleep (noun)