
  1. 8. When I finished my presentation the audience applaud
  2. 11. I received feedback from my teacher about the changes I need to make.
  3. 12. The decision was taken within the context of planned cuts in spending
  4. 14. I wanted to reflect on myself using intrapersonal communication
  5. 15. He used the impromptu method when asked a question on the spot.
  6. 16. The teacher was making eye contact with the students
  7. 17. I will present my poem using the extemporaneous method.
  1. 1. He paid attention to his non-verbal communication as he was being interrogated.
  2. 2. I had to use the written method to present my speech because I didn't memorize it.
  3. 3. A car salesman must have excellent interpersonal communication skills in order to persuade customers to purchase a car
  4. 4. The overall message of the text was that school is important.
  5. 5. , I used the memorization method to recite my poem.
  6. 6. When presenting make sure you don't make any weird facial expressions
  7. 7. The speakers rate was quite fast
  8. 9. The delivery to her speech was well organized
  9. 10. It is important to have good verbal communication when applying for a job.
  10. 13. When she was giving out her speech, it was very hard to hear because she had a really low volume.
  11. 18. When someone is presenting you need to pay attention to the speaker