
  1. 4. When a liquid turns into a gas, so when water turns into water vapor in the water cycle.
  2. 7. A state of matter in the form of a fluid that changes its shape.
  3. 8. The season between fall and spring. There’s a lot of cold weather, and frozen things.
  4. 9. A part of the year that brings a kind of weather or condition, or a cycle in weather.
  5. 12. A rumbling sound that’s caused by lightning and follows after a lightning strike.
  6. 15. A cloud is a mass of water drops in the atmosphere and looks fluffy and white.
  7. 16. When gas collects together and turns into a liquid, so when water vapor turns into water.
  8. 18. The state outside at a particular time and place, such as heat, cold, calm or storm, etc.
  9. 19. A living creature that is not a plant. Animals in general vary a lot in terms of species, size, behavior, and more.
  10. 21. A weather condition when bolts of electricity zap across the sky, creating a bright flash.
  1. 1. An electrical storm where lightning appears and the sound of thunder can be heard.
  2. 2. The liquid and solid water that falls from clouds, like rain, snow, and hail.
  3. 3. A colorless, odorless liquid that forms in seas, lakes, oceans, and rivers. It’s essential for life.
  4. 5. A colorless, odorless gas that makes up part of air. Animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide.
  5. 6. The season between spring and fall. During this season there’s lots of hot, sunny weather, and people take vacations.
  6. 10. The action of subtracting or taking away numbers from each other. The answer to a subtraction problem is the difference.
  7. 11. A state of matter, where something is stable and firm in shape.
  8. 13. The action of adding or putting numbers together. Addition problems have a sum as an answer. (2 + 3 = 5)
  9. 14. The star at the center of the solar system, and a source of heat and light.
  10. 17. The season between winter and summer. During this season, there’s a lot of plant growth and warm weather.
  11. 20. The season between summer and winter. During this season there’s a lot of change, to prepare for winter.