
  1. 2. Henry the Navigator 1st European monarch to sponsor seafearing expeditions
  2. 3. Diaz sailed around southern tip of Africa in 1488
  3. 5. Revolution transformation from trade based economy using silver and gold
  4. 6. company owned by investors who bought stock in them
  5. 9. system which sultan granted land or tax revenues to those he favored
  6. 12. landowners
  7. 14. Diaspora dispersion of Africans out of Africa
  8. 16. Exchange linked indigenous America, Europe, and Africa - shared disease, foods, and animals
  9. 18. heavy armed Spanish ships
  10. 19. mapmaking
  11. 20. Passage route through or around North America to East Asis
  12. 21. Passage journey the slaves took across Atlantic Ocean
  13. 22. 1st successfule English colony in Americas
  14. 23. residence where a powerful man's wives and concubines lived
  15. 24. Da Gama landed in India in 1498
  1. 1. of Tordesillas 1494 Spain and Portugal divide Americas
  2. 4. idea that you sell more than you buy and have gold in reserve
  3. 7. post empire empire based on small outposts
  4. 8. Spanish commercial center
  5. 10. Magellan 1st to circumnavigate globe
  6. 11. Cartier sailed Atlantic Ocean into St. Lawrence River
  7. 13. laws all of estate goes to eldest son
  8. 15. chart map of stars & galaxies
  9. 16. crop grown for sale rather than subsistence
  10. 17. Spanish soldiers