Vocabulary #4 Crossword

  1. 3. The man scolded her group of children, warning them to mend their ____ ways.
  2. 4. After the series of economic and natural disasters, many citizens of Squalley’s Gulch fell into a deep ____.
  3. 6. A(n)____ camper had left a pit fire burning, and the flames soon spread to the nearby forest.
  4. 8. Leigh explained that her remark was not meant to be _____ regardless of how offensive it had sounded.
  5. 9. Stu’s habitual ______ exasperated his boss and cost Stu his job.
  6. 10. Andy’s _____ study skills ensured that he never missed a day’s homework.
  7. 11. Although other writers ____ Craig for his strange style, he continues to write in an experimental fashion.
  1. 1. Studies have found that missing breakfast in the morning may _____ a child’s ability to pay attention in class.
  2. 2. In order to get along in the cramped cabin, we had to ignore on another’s ____.
  3. 5. Molly’s mother advised her that all the regret in the world could not ___ a hurtful word or deed.
  4. 7. The effect of Chemical X on the human brain was once thought disastrous, but it is now considered ______.