
  1. 2. the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority.
  2. 4. an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states.
  3. 6. – an electoral district represented by a single officeholder
  4. 8. – made up of individuals who organize to win elections, operate the government, and influence public policy.
  5. 9. parties - a political party that campaigns on only one issue
  6. 10. – a building where voting takes place during an election, typically one that normally has another function, such as a school.
  7. 12. – a primary in which members of a party nominate its candidates by direct vote.
  8. 16. the action of nominating or state of being nominated.
  9. 20. (PAC) – an organization that raises money privately to influence elections or legislation, especially at the federal level.
  10. 21. you may vote only for candidates from your own party and you may also vote in nonpartisan contests.
  11. 22. – a political party system in which two major political parties consistently dominate the political landscape.
  12. 24. -a regular election of candidates for office, as opposed to a primary election.
  13. 27. an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councilor or councilors
  14. 28. political organizations committed to a comprehensive set of beliefs or a social/political ideology.
  1. 1. –a political party that holds substantial influence in a country's politics, standing in contrast to a minor party
  2. 3. – a small organization, typically a political party, that has broken away from a larger one.
  3. 5. – hold or form a legislative caucus
  4. 7. – second primary election held in some states to decide which of the two highest candidates for an office in the first
  5. 9. – a voter in an election votes for candidates from different political parties when multiple offices are being decided by a single election, as opposed to straight-ticket voting, where a voter chooses candidates from the same political party for every office up for election
  6. 10. a district of a city or town as defined for police purposes.
  7. 11. - They demanded public ownership of railroads, telephone, and telegraph companies along with political reforms.
  8. 13. of or involving several political parties.
  9. 14. – system used for selecting political party candidates in a primary election, used in Argentina and historically in the United States
  10. 15. – The coattail effect or down-ballot effect is the tendency for a popular political party leader to attract votes for other candidates of the same party in an election
  11. 17. the office or territories of a German elector.
  12. 18. elicit a secret vote from (members) on a particular issue.
  13. 19. -a general agreement.
  14. 23. --including the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, Constitution Party, and others that have less influence than the major parties'
  15. 25. society --a diverse one, where the people in it believe all kinds of different things and tolerate each other's beliefs even when they don't match their own
  16. 26. – a primary election in which voters are not required to declare party affiliation.