
  1. 1. event that celebrates an occasion or honors someone
  2. 4. does not work well
  3. 7. decorate or cut something
  4. 8. look over or inspect something carefully
  5. 9. strike or hit something again and again
  6. 12. shout or roar loudly
  7. 13. lead someone to believe something that is not true
  8. 17. droop or hang down
  9. 19. exited about something
  10. 22. think or talk about events in the past
  11. 23. stare angrily
  12. 24. change completely
  1. 2. search for something by moving things around
  2. 3. lots of energy
  3. 5. works well
  4. 6. strange or odd
  5. 10. judge wrongly or form a wrong opinion
  6. 11. love or be very fond of something
  7. 14. extremely funny
  8. 15. complicated
  9. 16. plain and simple, modest not proud
  10. 18. delicious, extremely good to eat
  11. 20. make a sharp, squeaking sound
  12. 21. want, wish for, or long for something