
  1. 4. works in an office
  2. 5. you wear this in the winter
  3. 9. you use this to tell time
  4. 10. the season with snow
  5. 12. the color of a banana
  6. 14. you wear these in summer
  7. 15. how you feel when you watch a horror movie
  8. 16. Sunset Park school color
  9. 18. the weather when there are no clouds
  10. 20. a little bit angry
  1. 1. the place students eat lunch
  2. 2. the current month
  3. 3. a room in a school for books
  4. 6. you use this when you make a mistake
  5. 7. you use this to cut paper
  6. 8. sharpener when your pencil is flat
  7. 9. the weather you don't want
  8. 10. question word for a person
  9. 11. works on the first floor at SPHS
  10. 13. a question word when their is more than one
  11. 17. nine times ten
  12. 19. eight plus ten