
  1. 3. To examine or observe with great care; inspect critically.
  2. 4. The way in which a person behaves; deportment.
  3. 10. An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.
  4. 11. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.
  5. 13. Difficult or impossible to control or restrain.
  6. 17. To cut short; curtail
  7. 19. Type or kind.
  8. 20. A social outcast.
  9. 23. Prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered.
  10. 26. Courageously noble in mind and heart.
  11. 27. To have a prolonged or continuing effect.
  12. 31. Highly injurious; pernicious.
  13. 33. To express grief for or about.
  14. 34. A mental view or outlook.
  15. 35. To satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully.
  16. 36. Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.
  17. 38. Marked by shame or disgrace.
  18. 39. Lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.
  1. 1. A hole or series of holes punched or bored through something.
  2. 2. Next to last.
  3. 5. Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people.
  4. 6. To exclude from a group.
  5. 7. An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.
  6. 8. The quality or condition of being unknown.
  7. 9. Having no adornment or ornamentation; bare.
  8. 12. Extremely careful and precise.
  9. 14. Causing irritation, especially physical irritation.
  10. 15. Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined.
  11. 16. The act of seizing or capturing; arrest.
  12. 18. Discrimination based on length of life, especially prejudice against the elderly.
  13. 21. Lacking or showing a lack of due concern; casual.
  14. 22. Sickening; offensive to the taste or smell.
  15. 24. Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness.
  16. 25. To insert or introduce between parts.
  17. 28. With great care or delicacy; cautiously.
  18. 29. Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity.
  19. 30. Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion.
  20. 32. Tending to cause death or serious injury.
  21. 37. A particular period of history, especially one considered remarkable or noteworthy.