
  1. 2. its underlying message or big idea
  2. 5. characterization/ when an author reveals a character's traits through actions, thoughts, speech, etc., instead of saying it outright.
  3. 6. / a literary device that uses non-literal language to convey abstract ideas in a relatable way
  4. 7. The introduction or beginning of a story that reveals important back ground information.
  5. 11. is the repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words
  6. 15. action/ the section of its story where it leads to its climax
  7. 18. opposing force that the main character, also known as the protagonist, faces.
  8. 20. figure of speech that compares two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”
  9. 21. character/ one that doesn't change from the start of the story through to the end
  1. 1. the description of a character's physical traits (how a character looks), point of view, personality, private thoughts, and actions.
  2. 3. a literary technique where the same or similar vowel sound is repeated
  3. 4. any communication between two characters
  4. 8. the sequence of events that make up a story.
  5. 9. the point in the narrative where the tension, excitement, or stakes a high level
  6. 10. the character who drives the action--the character whose fate matters most
  7. 12. a purposeful exaggeration not meant to be taken literally
  8. 13. a struggle between opposing forces
  9. 14. a comparison between two things that are otherwise unrelated.
  10. 16. character/ one who learns a lesson or changes as a person
  11. 17. action/the period of time in the story that follows the climax and leads to resolution.
  12. 19. / The time, place and the duration