
  1. 2. Theory that suggest mass starvation with occur
  2. 5. Creates racial segregation in neighborhoods
  3. 7. place names
  4. 8. The basic structure of services needed to support industrial agriculture and other economic development
  5. 11. A region that people believe are part of their cultural identity
  6. 12. Presents 5 steps through which all countries must pass to become developed
  7. 14. Control by a powerful country of its former colonies
  8. 17. relationship between two entities gets weaker as their distance increases
  9. 18. The process by which human behaviors travel
  10. 22. The reduction in the per unit cost of production as the volume production increases
  11. 25. The industry that includes important organizations structures such as government organizations
  12. 26. The process of humans altering the landscape in order to raise crops and livestock
  13. 29. The shape and form of land features
  14. 32. Shows the diffusion of a language into another
  15. 33. The process by which formerly fertile lands become increasingly arid
  16. 34. The way things are spread out over an area
  1. 1. Where a large amount of businesses are located
  2. 3. The adoption of cultural traits
  3. 4. Changes formerly low income to middle and high income groups
  4. 6. people forced to move and migrate
  5. 9. Model that shows how a country is developing due to growth and economic rates
  6. 10. decides a persons way of life and their beliefs
  7. 13. A concept used in developing countries to help create sustainability
  8. 15. A less developed, economically poor country
  9. 16. involuntary movement
  10. 19. decreasing space between people and ideas
  11. 20. The industry based on human knowledge
  12. 21. A movement which aim is to connect food producers and consumers in the same geographic area
  13. 23. Outer district of urban areas
  14. 24. An urban area with a large suburban residential and business area surrounding it
  15. 27. The practice of a country extending its power and influence over the other countries
  16. 28. Process by which one nation exercises near complete control over another which they have taken over
  17. 30. The natural combination of two or more languages
  18. 31. The process of relocation business operations to a country other than the one in which the company in headquarters
  19. 35. money sent to friends and family in home country