Vocabulary: Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. A fracture or break in the rocks that make up Earth’s crust
  2. 7. The process that occurs at midocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed.
  3. 9. scrapes on rock where a glacier once moved
  4. 10. The deepest parts of the ocean floor
  5. 12. German scientist who proposed the theory of continental drift
  6. 13. The type of plate boundary where two plates collide
  7. 14. The type of plate boundary where two plates separate or divide.
  8. 15. The type of plate boundary where two plates slide past each other.
  9. 16. An underwater mountain range formed where two of Earth’s oceanic tectonics plates move apart or separate
  10. 17. The location where one tectonic plate comes in contact with another.
  1. 1. The process in Earth’s mantle that scientists believe is driving the movement of the plates due to the heating and cooling of magma.
  2. 2. A lowland region that forms where two of Earth's continental tectonic plates move apart or separate
  3. 4. The broken sections of Earth’s crust; they constantly move around on Earth’s mantle
  4. 5. The process that occurs when one plate sinks beneath another plate because it is more dense
  5. 6. The supercontinent that included all current land masses before they split apart
  6. 8. A curved chain of volcanic islands
  7. 11. A theory stating that all of the continents on Earth used to be joined as one giant landmass and have since slowly drifted to their current locations