Vocabulary Puzzle for Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. being deformed without losing toughness
  2. 3. a change in shape from stress or strain
  3. 5. having two opposite tendencies
  4. 8. the continent in pangaea
  5. 10. hold back
  6. 12. crash together with violent impact
  7. 14. the center of earth
  8. 16. a fold of a rock that goes upwards
  9. 18. an anticlinal rock structure
  10. 19. a sudden , violent shaking of the ground
  11. 20. break or crack in the earth
  1. 1. one plate moves under another
  2. 4. layer of earth that is closest to humans
  3. 6. the region below the lithosphere
  4. 7. becoming separated
  5. 9. the reduction in volume
  6. 11. pull or push forcibly at something
  7. 13. when an intense force is on something
  8. 15. rock cluster that shows above the crust
  9. 17. all of the continents together as one