Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. The opposing side's viewpoint, usually in contrast to the writer's claim; the counterpoint.
  2. 4. The writer's position or viewpoint in an argumentative essay; the point.
  3. 5. The one who is describing or telling about something in the poem.
  4. 6. An idea or feeling suggested by a word. Example: Purple = Royalty
  5. 9. Print and graphics elements that are not the main body of text including headings, index, pictures and captions, and diagrams.
  6. 10. A person’s particular attitude toward something or a way of regarding something; a person’s point of view.
  7. 12. Words that appeal to the senses and show how something looks, tastes, smells, feels, or sounds.
  8. 14. The character or voice telling a story.
  9. 17. The meaning of a word; the dictionary definition. Example: Purple = a color that is a mixture of red and blue.
  10. 18. To add notes to a text or diagram, giving explanation or comment.
  11. 19. Casual, conversational, and informal language which includes slang.
  12. 20. The style of language used in government, education, and media that follow common rules of grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling.
  13. 21. To communicate information to another person.
  14. 23. The form of a language that is spoken by people living in a certain place. It includes accents, vocabulary, and grammar.
  15. 24. The language the author uses to tell the story. Voice depends on the author’s word choice, tone toward the subject, and mood (emotions in the story).
  16. 27. Two contrasting ideas are presented together to emphasize the differences between them.
  17. 28. The all-knowing character or voice telling a story.
  18. 29. A way of comparing two things using like or as.
  1. 1. The emotional feeling of a piece of writing created by the author for the reader.
  2. 3. Describing what each character looks like, what the character thinks or says, and what the character does.
  3. 7. Giving human characteristics to things and animals.
  4. 8. A form of autobiographical writing in which the author tells about their own personal experience or experiences.
  5. 11. The use of irony to mock or convey contempt. Similar to VERBAL IRONY.
  6. 13. The reason why a character behaves as he or she does.
  7. 14. A poem that tells a story.
  8. 15. A way of comparing two things without using like or as.
  9. 16. The author’s, speaker’s, or narrator’s attitude toward a subject.
  10. 22. When a writer or character says one thing but means another. Similar to sarcasm.
  11. 25. The set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc., forming a background in such a way as to enable readers to understand the literary piece.
  12. 26. The background information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story.