
  1. 2. To refrain from something by one’s choice
  2. 4. Showing an orderly relation of parts
  3. 5. Ordinary speech or writing rhyme or meter (that is, without verse)
  4. 6. to conquer; to dominate completely
  5. 9. One who deceives by using a false identity
  6. 10. A narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water
  7. 13. without skill
  8. 14. Outside or originating outside the limits of the earth’s atmosphere
  9. 17. One who argues in support of something
  10. 18. Lasting for an indefinitely long time
  11. 20. an authoritative command or order
  12. 22. excessive
  13. 23. Hardship; misfortune
  14. 24. Stubbornly doing something other than what is reasonable or required
  15. 25. an added part not essential to the whole
  16. 26. Coming from outside; foreign
  17. 28. a serious state of affairs
  18. 29. Having many twists and turns
  19. 30. To use available evidence to form a conclusion
  20. 31. To upset; to overthrow; to ruin
  21. 32. Tending to delay or to postpone
  1. 1. Hanging on to something persistently or stubbornly
  2. 3. To postpone; to delay
  3. 4. To mix together; to combine two or more parts or elements
  4. 7. A person chiefly interested in things outside the self, directing thoughts outward rather inward
  5. 8. severe; constricted; tight
  6. 11. To engage in a quarrel, a struggle, or rivalry
  7. 12. holding firmly, even stubbornly, to a belief
  8. 15. harsh; severe
  9. 16. impudent; rude
  10. 19. to turn away
  11. 21. Thoroughly remorseful and repentant of one’s sins
  12. 22. Excited feelings of pride, triumph, or happiness
  13. 23. A natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
  14. 26. A passage selected from a book, play, piece of music, etc
  15. 27. To go into hiding; to seek solitude