
  1. 1. written form made by dialogue
  2. 4. recurring element or pattern
  3. 6. conflicts the protagonist
  4. 8. most important character
  5. 9. a lighthearted or humorous work
  6. 13. background info
  7. 15. individual who takes part in acting
  8. 16. a play told through characters played by actors
  9. 17. conversation
  1. 1. character alone speaking in his thoughts
  2. 2. author of a play
  3. 3. difference between appearance and reality
  4. 5. a character who portrays similar traits as other character
  5. 7. character turns to audience and comments on situation
  6. 10. portrays the fall of a person
  7. 11. direction notes that describe how to perform on stage
  8. 12. character speaks outloud to audience
  9. 14. the visual portrayal of meaning