
  1. 2. one of the most despised religious groups in england.
  2. 10. movement to reform the roman catholic church in the 1500s; led to the creation of many different catholic churches
  3. 12. the movement that they started because these thinkers believed in light of human reason.
  4. 13. large estate formed by many workers.
  5. 14. the global exchange of goods and ideas resulting from the encounter between peoples of the eastern and western hemispheres.
  6. 15. religious group that led the migration to Massachusetts bay during the 1630s.
  7. 18. name for the Spanish explorers who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain.
  8. 19. crop sold for money at market cash economy in which people exchange money for goods and services
  9. 22. laws that controlled the lives of enslaved african americans and denied them basic rights.
  10. 23. english colony in which the king gave land to the proprietors in exchange for a yearly payment.
  11. 25. legal document giving certain rights to a person or company.
  1. 1. the uprising that lasted only a short time.
  2. 3. goods brought into a country.
  3. 4. plant used to make a valuable blue dye.
  4. 5. the founders on plymouth.
  5. 6. a waterway through or around north america.
  6. 7. a religious revival or movement in the 1730s and 1740s.
  7. 8. a group of people who settle in a distant land but are still ruled by one government of their native land.
  8. 9. the mistreatment or punishment of certain people because of their beliefs.
  9. 11. a plan of government written by the settlers in 1639.
  10. 16. goods sent to markets outside a country.
  11. 17. a 1620 agreement for ruling the plymouth colony.
  12. 20. the belief that england believed that its colonies should benefit the home country.
  13. 21. one route that the colonial merchants developed.
  14. 24. colony under the direct control of the english crown.