
  1. 3. climate in a small specifc place
  2. 5. photosnthesizing plankton
  3. 7. the living parts of a biosphere makes this up
  4. 8. located north of the tiga
  5. 9. very dry gets little rain
  6. 11. this is were most organisms live
  7. 12. this is the water system on earth
  8. 13. is located in cooler climates
  9. 14. the open water further out from shore
  10. 15. along the shore line
  11. 18. this is the physical features of earths surrface
  12. 20. closest area to shore
  13. 22. region of land that drains into fresh water
  1. 1. found in cold waters
  2. 2. and area witch main plant life is grass
  3. 4. the shore line area between high and low tide lines
  4. 6. this is the air that sourrounds the entire earth
  5. 7. extends from end of neritic zone to ocean bottom
  6. 10. this is the long term patterens of wheather
  7. 16. deepest zone
  8. 17. animal plankton
  9. 19. this is the part of earth were life exsists
  10. 21. foud mainly in tropical climate