
  1. 3. shares ownership a company sells in its buisness which often carry voting power
  2. 4. railroad barons made secret agreements among themselves and were also known as?
  3. 5. the practice of combinig seperate companies.
  4. 10. a person who ivests in a corporation by buying stock and is a partial owner
  5. 12. a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, especially to reduce competition
  6. 13. the combining of competing firms into one corporation
  7. 17. bargaining discussion between an employer and union represntative of workers over wages,hours,and working conditions
  8. 18. the combiing of 2 or more buisnisses into one
  9. 19. total control of a type of industry by one person or one company
  1. 1. the combining of companies that supply the equipment and services needed for a particular industry
  2. 2. a stockholder's share of a company's profits, usually as a cash payment
  3. 4. charitableacts of gifts to benefit the community
  4. 6. a person hired to replace a striking worker in order to break up a strike
  5. 7. gauge 4ft. 8.5in. as the width of the railroad track and allowed faster shipment of goods at a reduced price
  6. 8. organization of workers with the same trade or skill
  7. 9. a court order to stop an action, such as a strike
  8. 10. a shop of factory where workers work very long hours at low wages under unhealthy conditions
  9. 11. a group that is authorized by law to carry on an activity but having the rights and duties of a single person
  10. 14. line a less expensive way to manufacture cars in wich each worker would be assigned a job to do again and again to produce a part of a car
  11. 15. a discount or return to part of a payment
  12. 16. production the production of large quantities of goods using machinery and often assembly line