
  1. 1. the study of the duties and rights of citizens
  2. 5. the key practices, relationships, and organizations in a society
  3. 8. respecting and accepting others, regardless of teir beleifs, practices, or differences
  4. 9. an obligation that we meet of our own free will
  5. 10. a foreign-born resident or the U.S who has not been naturalized
  6. 13. the idea that the government receives itsm power from the people
  7. 15. broud ideas about what is good or desirable and what is bad or not desirable
  8. 16. an action we are required to perform
  1. 2. the rights and duties of citizens
  2. 3. someone who moves permanently to another country
  3. 4. members of a community who owe loyaly to the government and, in turn, are entitled to the protection of that government
  4. 6. a legal processto obtain citizenship
  5. 7. the healt, prosperity, and happiness of the members of a community
  6. 11. the practice of offering your time and services to others without receiving payment
  7. 12. the ruling authority for a community
  8. 14. group of people who share a common national, cultural, or racial background