
  1. 2. the use of living organisms to solve problems and make useful products
  2. 4. The process of determining where genes are located on individual chromosomes
  3. 6. the science or practice of altering the genetic code transmitted by living organisms by splicing and recombining specific genetic units from their DNA
  4. 7. to produce a product; the amount
  5. 8. The introduction of DNA into the nucleus of an oocyte, embryo, or other cell by injection through a very fine needle
  6. 9. taming of wild things
  7. 11. growing plants in a laboratory from cells instead of seeds.
  8. 13. The production of medicines or drugs in plants or domestic animals.
  9. 14. a set of moral principles and values
  10. 16. A technique used to join segments of DNA to form a new genetic combination
  11. 17. crossing of specific parents in order to get offspring with certain traits
  12. 19. An alternative fuel for use in diesel engines that is made from natural renewable sources such animal fats or vegetable oils
  13. 20. process of producing an exact copy of an organism by asexual means
  1. 1. the control of pests using other organism; such as predators
  2. 2. the use of organisms to clean contamination in the environment
  3. 3. the amount of different life forms on earth or part of the earth
  4. 5. the production of crops or livestock for food or fiber
  5. 6. An organism (plant, animal, bacteria, or virus) that has had its genetic material changed
  6. 10. the farming of plants and animals that live in water
  7. 11. Taking genes from one species and inserting them into another species to get that trait expressed in the offspring.
  8. 12. to make impure or unusable by adding a harmful substance
  9. 15. the offspring of two plants or animals of different breeds or species
  10. 18. All the genetic material in the chromosomes of a particular organism