
  1. 3. system the organ system whose primary function is to support and protect the body and to allow the body to move
  2. 4. Pollination when a plant pollinates itself
  3. 5. trait that is not always shown (lowercase letter)
  4. 8. a group of similar cells that perform a common function
  5. 10. different offspring(Bb)
  6. 12. heterozygous (Bb)
  7. 13. Made of DNA in nucleus, instructions for traits
  8. 15. a place where two or more bones meet
  9. 16. what is passed down from generation to offspring
  10. 18. both animals benefit
  11. 19. when an organism looses a body part then develops it back
  12. 21. a collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of
  13. 22. a form of asexual reproduction when a part of organism pinches off and forms a new organism
  14. 23. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  15. 24. non living factor in an environment
  16. 27. Membrane outer membrane of cell that controls what goes in and out of cell
  1. 1. multi cellular organism with a nucleus
  2. 2. a reaction to the environment
  3. 6. system the organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body
  4. 7. physical features
  5. 9. Directs cell activities
  6. 11. digestive part in cell for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
  7. 13. gel-like mixture that contains heredity material
  8. 14. usually the smaller of the two organisms
  9. 17. the layer of skin below the epidermis
  10. 18. growth
  11. 20. the surface layer of cells on a plant or animal
  12. 24. reproduction has identical offspring and no egg pr sperm
  13. 25. specific characteristics
  14. 26. smallest living unit