
  1. 4. Canberra is its capital.
  2. 5. Los Angeles, Sidney, Geneva are ....
  3. 6. The Atlantic, the Pacific and the Mediterranean are ....
  4. 7. The Everest is the highest .... on earth.
  5. 10. Switzerland, France and Germany are three ....
  6. 12. A person who teaches (enseigne) in a school.
  7. 13. A landscape with a lot of sand and no water.
  1. 1. England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland are parts of the ....
  2. 2. Copacabana and Waikiki are the most famous ........ of the world.
  3. 3. The Leman and the Loch Ness are .....
  4. 8. The Statue of Liberty is in .....
  5. 9. In England, you can pay with ......... (les livres sterlings)
  6. 11. A person who studies (étudie) in a school.