
  1. 1. explicitly instructive
  2. 4. a line containing six feet
  3. 6. multiple meaning a literary work may communicate, especially two meanings that are incompatible
  4. 8. a two-syllable foot with an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable
  5. 9. a figurative use of language which endows the nonhuman with human characteristics
  6. 12. not figurative
  7. 13. a speaker's, author's, or character's disposition toward or opinion of a subject
  8. 14. the main thought expressed by a work
  9. 15. the theme, meaning, or position that a writer undertakes to prove or support
  10. 18. a quality of some fictional narrators whose word the reader can trust
  11. 20. a conventional pattern, expression, character, or idea
  12. 21. the use of material unrelated to the subject of a work
  13. 22. to restrict
  14. 23. a story in which people, things, and events have another symbolic meaning
  15. 24. normally a fourteen-line iambic pentameter poem
  16. 25. the manner in which an author expresses his or her attitude
  1. 2. the mood of a verb that gives an order
  2. 3. characterized by distortion or incongruities
  3. 5. songlike
  4. 7. the implications of a word or phrase, as opposed to its exact meaning
  5. 10. the repetition of identical or similar consonant sounds
  6. 11. a story designed to suggest a principle, illustrate a moral or answer a question
  7. 16. something that is simultaneously itself and a sign of something else
  8. 17. the special language of a profession or group
  9. 19. the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds
  10. 21. word choice
  11. 24. the structure of a sentence