
  1. 7. hot, liquefied rock that flows from a volcano or other opening in the surface of the earth
  2. 9. a volcano that is erupting or has shown signs that it may erupt
  3. 11. sudden shaking of the earth
  4. 12. the movement of gas particles through a small hole
  5. 13. volcano erupting at the summit from September 10-16th
  6. 14. have not erupted in the last 10,000 years and not expected to erupt again
  1. 1. a mountain or hill having a crater which lava and gases have been erupted from
  2. 2. volcanoes can occur in which ocean
  3. 3. become active and eject lava and gases
  4. 4. tectonics where the two plates come together
  5. 5. a person who studies volcanoes
  6. 6. hole at the top of the volcano
  7. 7. a jet of lava sprayed into the air by gas bubbles in the molten rock
  8. 8. the place at the earths surface where lava flows
  9. 10. what first come out of a volcano