Volunteers crosswords

  1. 1. Multiple intruments player
  2. 6. K-pop and dances
  3. 7. Always cool
  4. 8. The man with many names
  5. 10. Cooking mamma
  6. 11. Talented artist
  7. 13. Dedicated teacher
  8. 16. Tik tok Lord
  9. 18. Happy religious
  10. 21. Ice cream partner
  11. 23. Bookworm
  12. 24. Instagram architect
  13. 25. Erasmus parties
  14. 27. Professional knitter
  15. 28. Drunk traveller
  1. 2. Young and sweet
  2. 3. Future politician
  3. 4. Funny baguette
  4. 5. Expressive italian
  5. 9. Cleaning addict
  6. 12. Partying architect
  7. 14. A really kind one
  8. 15. Bald and beautiful
  9. 17. From Siberia with love
  10. 19. Memes lord
  11. 20. Black is my color
  12. 22. Biblioteka Śródmieście
  13. 26. She's alive