
  1. 2. A remarkable form of mass communication that has played a pivotal role for over a century
  2. 3. The year in which commercial radio broadcasting began
  3. 6. The lifeline provided by radio during times of natural disasters or political upheavals
  4. 8. Radio's unmatched reach and availability to remote areas and rural communities
  5. 10. The type of modulation that improved sound quality in radio transmission
  1. 1. A wide range of content that radio offers to cater to various interests
  2. 4. Platforms like internet radio and podcasts that have gained popularity in the digital age
  3. 5. Radio's ability to continue broadcasting information even without electricity or internet connectivity
  4. 7. The evolving medium that has transformed radio by blending traditional broadcasting with online platforms
  5. 9. Radio stations that empower marginalized voices and address social issues