VUS SOL Review 4-5

  1. 2. ____________ and Indian war ended in 1763
  2. 5. The Bill of Rights is the first _____ Amendments
  3. 7. Frist __________________ Congress was the first time that the colonies came together politically
  4. 9. Battle that led to an alliance with France
  5. 11. Treaty that ended 2-across
  6. 13. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at this in the U.S.
  7. 15. __________ Rights
  8. 16. _______________ Rights according to Locke: Life, Liberty, and Property
  9. 17. War began at Lexington and _______________
  1. 1. ____________ review was established under the Marshall Court with Marbury v. Madison
  2. 3. Academic, political, and philosphical movement across Europe and the New World
  3. 4. Supporters of the Constitution
  4. 6. Policies such as the ________________ Act made Colonists very angry with Great Britain
  5. 8. Colonists who did not want to break away from Great Britain
  6. 10. Military leader during 2-across and during the Revolutionary War
  7. 12. The Virginia Declaration of Religous Freedom argued for this between the church and state
  8. 14. "Father of the Constitution"