WA 2 Revision

  1. 2. No digestion occurs in the _________ intestine.
  2. 3. _________ help to speed up the rate of digestion.
  3. 6. A person suffering from ________ is not able to control the amount of glucose in his blood.
  4. 8. In the stomach, only ________ are digested.
  5. 9. Digestion is a process where food is broken down into smaller and _______ molecules.
  6. 11. Lack of water and dietary fibre may result in ________.
  7. 13. Limewater turns ________ when carbon dioxide is bubbled into it.
  8. 15. Carbon monoxide in cigarette reduces the ability of red blood cells in transporting ______.
  1. 1. Enzymes operate at a specific pH and ________.
  2. 4. ________ in the windpipe helps to trap dust and bacteria.
  3. 5. _________ is the process in which oxygen combine with digested food to release energy stored in them.
  4. 7. A person suffering from diabetes may have to inject himself with ________before meals.
  5. 10. The diaphragm moves downwards when we inhale.
  6. 12. _______ may form in the arteries of a smoker and can lead to heart diseases.
  7. 14. The ______ produces bile that is used to break up large fat droplets.