Wafa's Covid Crossword

  1. 2. Sagittarius Season
  2. 4. "I'll dance, dance, dance"
  3. 10. The Strokes Kind, Not The Safety Kind
  4. 11. Noma's Least Favorite Color
  5. 12. Saba's Favorite Number
  6. 13. The Home Improvement Warehouse
  7. 14. Land of Lakes
  8. 15. Styles, not Sussex
  9. 18. The Trip That Wasn't
  10. 20. "So you think you're Brad Pitt?"
  11. 22. Breakfast of Champions
  1. 1. RIP November 10th
  2. 3. Pick-Me Girl
  3. 5. "Should old acquaintance be forgot?"
  4. 6. Meijer Mascot
  5. 7. White 90s Show
  6. 8. Dhania ka Bhai
  7. 9. Morgan Drinks --
  8. 16. The Whistleblower's Wife
  9. 17. Baji
  10. 19. The Elite Chai
  11. 21. Together We Advance
  12. 23. Favorite Relative